Adamawa Partners FG To Secure Its Borders For Security, Economic Growth

Adamawa State Government has reiterated commitment to partner federal government to securing its 600 kilometer borders across the 9 LGAs that shares boundary with Cameroon. Sahel Reports.

Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri disclosed this when he played host to members of Interministerial Committee on Integrated Border Governance in Yola, Monday.

Fintiri said his administration is poised to restoring the integrity of its borders to influence economic prosperity, security, peace and development in the border communities, the state and Nigeria at large.

Represented by his Deputy, Prof Kaletapwa Farauta, Fintiri regretted that the porous nature of the borders has compromised security and the economy, noting that all hands must be on deck to strengthen it.

He promised a conducive environment for the actualization of the vision of which the committee was set up.The leader of the delegation, Dr Usman Farouq Tarfa, had earlier intimated the the Governor on the mandate entrusted in them to assess border infrastructure among other related issues.

This according to him was with a view to developing a workable framework to strengthen boundary facilities and improve the well being of the border communities.

Contributing, the consultant from the Ministry of Interior, Kabrah Zwingina and the Deputy Director Ministry of Interior, Joshua Ajimalufin call for interaction with the relevant stakeholders to see how best to address border issues and restore its lost glory.

It could be recalled that the House of Representatives Ad- hoc Committee on International Boundary Dispute, has visited Yola to investigate moves to cede Sina Kamale Area in Michika LGA to Cameroon.

Led by its chairperson, Beni Lar the committee members said they were on a fact finding mission to assess the case with a view to ensure understanding and proffer solution to the land disputes and report to the House, in 2 weeks.