ADAS-P To Train Forestry Seed Growers And Other Farmers In Adamawa

file photo of Adamawa state map
file photo of Adamawa state map

The Àdamawa Agribusiness Support Program (ADAS-P) in collaboration with the “Great Green World Program” through the Federal Ministry of Environment will train forestry seed growers and other farmers to encourage legal timber production.

This is a Memorandum of Understanding that was reached during a meeting between the Controller of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Adamawa state and the leadership of ADAS-P held at the office of the Controller in Yola.

Speaking during the meeting, the Head of Component One of ADAS-P Dr. Tas’u Idi, said “We are trying to use collaboration and linkages to promote climate-smart agriculture in Adamawa state. This Min. Should help us identify good areas to ensure the success of the programme”

Dr. Tas’u who restated their commitment to supporting smallholder farmers, assured that the programme will soon be started.

Responding, The Controller Federal Ministry of Environment Yola, Mrs S.M. Abubakar advised ADAS-P to use at least 60% of their activities in sensitizing the farmers and other community members to enable them to achieve the aims and objectives of the programme.

The Controller advised ADAS-P to come down and localize, indigenize and also meet the farmers at the grassroots.

Highlights of the meeting were an exchange of ideas, questions and answers, and photographs among others.