Borno Government Cracks Down on Suspects in Maiduguri Assault Case

The Borno State Government has taken swift action against three young men who brutally assaulted a young girl they accused of stealing their phones. The girl, a house help, was beaten and confined to a room without food or water for two days.

Hon. Zuwaira Gambo, Commissioner of the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, directed the arrest of the suspects and ordered a comprehensive investigation into the incident. Comrd. Lucy Dlama, SA to the Governor on social development, is leading the investigation.

The girl has been hospitalized for a detailed medical examination and necessary care. Hon. Zuwaira Gambo emphasized the government’s commitment to protecting vulnerable individuals and ensuring justice is served.

This incident highlights the government’s zero-tolerance policy towards violence and abuse, particularly against women and children.

The Ministry is closely monitoring the case to ensure the girl’s rights are protected and the perpetrators face consequences.