Borno: Gubio Chair Launches 15 Tractors, Farm Implements Ahead Of Raining Season

The Executive Chairman of Gubio Local Government Area, Hon. Mali Bulama Mali Gubio, on Tuesday launched 15 tractors, groundnut planters, and diggers to support local farmers in preparation for the 2024 rainy season.

The launch, which took place at the LGA’s farm site and agricultural equipment stores in Gubio town, is aimed at enhancing agricultural productivity and food security in the local government area and beyond.

The implements launched included 10 tractors, 2 groundnut planters, and 2 diggers provided by the Borno State Government, as well as 5 tractors repaired by the local government.

Hon. Mali urged the people of Gubio to utilize the tractors and implements, promising his administration’s support for all farmers. He also expressed gratitude to His Excellency, the Governor of Borno State, Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum, for his support and consideration.

The launch was attended by various dignitaries, including the Local Government Vice Chairman, Secretary, Council Speaker, Hon. Councillors, Director of Agriculture and his Deputy, Agricultural Supervisor, Workshop Manager, APC Party Chairman and Secretary, Gubio Farmers Association, Gubio Elders, Youths, and Women Groups.

After the event, the Chairman inspected ongoing projects, including the renovation of 24 burnt shops, the construction of 50 market stalls, a groundnut oil mill, and the replacement of 13 gates at Gubio Central Market.