Borno State Govt Mourns Tragic Loss of Truck Driver, Calls for Justice

Governor Babagana Umara Zulum

The Borno State Government has received the sad news of the killing of a truck driver on Tuesday, 26th December, 2023 along Gamboru-Ngala Road, with utter shock, anguish and dismay. The victim, Mal. Muhammad Bello was a resident of Bulabulin Monday Market area in MMC and averagely 35 years old.

In a Statement signed by the Borno State Ministry of Information and Internal Security, The Government condemns in strong terms this act of violence allegedly committed by military personnel. The Government also commiserates with the family of the deceased. May Allah repose the soul of the deceased and grant his family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.

The Government is following up this matter, and will take all necessary measures to ensure that the matter is properly investigated and suspects are prosecuted. Anyone who is found guilty will face the full wrath of the law.

Meanwhile, the Borno State Government urges the general public and, in particular, members of the Road Transport Workers Union, to maintain patience and decorum while the matter is handled according to the law.