Desist From Movement of Building Materials Across The Border Or Face Prosecution – Fintiri

Hours after Government’s directive to security agencies in Adamawa State to halt the transportation of building materials across the border areas of the State to neighboring countries, pictures have emerged of trucks delivering cement and other items to the neighboring Cameron.

According to Humwashi Wonosikou, Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Fintiri had earlier frowned at the development through a statement calling on all concerned to adhere strictly to the directive.

The statement warned players in the sector to respect the law or face the consequences of any indiscretion, no matter who the perpetrators are.
Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri says “The position has not changed. Desist from doing so or face prosecution”.

The Governor says the flagrant disregard to the directive is unacceptable and will not be condoned.