Economic Hardship: Fintiri Directs LG Chairmen to Roll Out Palliatives

Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri has directed Local Government chairmen to roll out palliatives to their people to ease the current economic hardship bedevilling the nation.

Governor Fintiri made this known when he received council chairmen from across Adamawa who were in the government house, Yola, to congratulate him on his recent Supreme Court victory.

Outlining areas deserving of palliative, Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri advises them to give attention to health, transportation, food, and what he described as stomach infrastructure.

He noted that the worst current insecurity bedeviling the entire nation is hunger, hardship, and skyrocketing prices of commodities hence the need to provide succour to Adamawa citizens through good governance.

Earlier, the Council chairman of Song, Gidado Abdulsallam who is the ALGON chairman congratulated Governor Fintiri on his Supreme Court victory, reiterating their unflinching loyalty.

Muhammad B. Tukur
(Sardauna Nyibango)
SSA New Media to the Governor