Fact Check: Did Water Scarcity Hit Specialist Hospitals?

Several social media users have posted amateur pictures claiming that water scarcity has loomed at the specialist hospital in Maiduguri. The claims first surfaced on Monday, 22 April 2024, around 10:00 p.m.

However, our agent visited the hospital around 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 23 April 2024, and discovered that there was no water scarcity, and all taps checked had water running on them.

On Tuesday, 23 April 2024, our agent returned to the hospital to conduct another check and confirmed that the water was running on the taps.

On Close examinations of the amateur photos posted on Facebook, it was observed that the pictures only show the hospital’s main gate depicting people hawking cold sachet water due to the excessive weather.

Conclusion: After careful observation of the pictures posted and several visits to the hospital, it has been confirmed that there was no water scarcity at the Maiduguri Specialist Hospital. Therefore, based on the findings, we conclude that the claim of water scarcity at the specialist hospital is false and the work of some mischievous Facebook users.