Fintiri Urges Unity And Peaceful Coexistence During Easter Celebrations

Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri of Adamawa State has delivered a heartfelt message to Christians, emphasizing the importance of unity, love, and peace as the global community commemorates Easter.

According to the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Humwashi Wonosikou, Fintiri stressed that embodying these core values is crucial for fostering and reinforcing harmony within the state.

Highlighting the significance of Easter, the Governor underscored the themes of selflessness, love, sacrifice, and tolerance epitomized by Jesus Christ.

He called for a national rejuvenation to propel the country forward, advocating for a shift in attitudes.

Governor Fintiri expressed optimism that the nation can overcome its challenges through collective tolerance and a willingness to make sacrifices, drawing inspiration from the Easter season.

He encouraged Nigerians to emulate Christ’s example of selfless service to humanity, believing that such actions can contribute to a better society for all.

In his call to prayer for the country’s economic recovery, Governor Fintiri urged citizens to use the Easter period for introspection and emphasized the importance of being each other’s keeper, especially in fostering peaceful coexistence irrespective of religious differences. He emphasized that Nigeria’s progress hinges on a peaceful environment conducive to development, stressing the need for proactive efforts towards peacebuilding.

As the Easter season unfolds, Governor Fintiri urged individuals to not only pray for peace but also actively work towards it, promoting a culture of peaceful living and cooperation.