Gov Buni Commiserates With FUGA Over Fire Inferno

The Governor of Yobe State Hon. Mai Mala Buni has commiserated with the management, staff, and students of the Federal University Gashua over the unfortunate fire disaster which claimed the life of a student on Saturday.

In a statement Signed by Mamman Mohammed, DG Press and Media Affairs, the governor described the incident as sad, most unfortunate, and agreat loss to the university and the students.

He condoled with the family and the university community over the death of the young and promising student.

“It is very sad we lost this young and promising lady, we pray to Allah to forgive her shortcomings and grant the family and the university the fortitude to bear the loss”

The governor, however, called on the university and all other institutions in the state to take proactive measures against possible fire outbreaks.

“It is becoming one fire too many, because not too long, there was a fire disaster at the State University and now at the Federal University Gashua, there is the need to take serious measures against future occurances” Gov. Buni said.

The governor directed the State Emergency Management Agency to provide relief materials to the affected students for their immediate use.