Gubio Chair Visits Victims Of Market  Inferno, Pledges Support

In the wake of a fire on Tuesday night that ravaged the Gubio central market, the local governments Executive Chairman, Hon. Mali Bulama Mali, visited the scene on Wednesday to offer sympathy and support to affected traders.

The fire reportedly destroyed a significant number of stalls and merchandise belonging to small business owners.

While the cause of the blaze remains under investigation, Chairman Mali commended the Gubio fire service department for their efforts in containing the inferno and preventing it from spreading further.

To determine the cause of the fire and assess the impact on traders, Mali established a committee comprised of security personnel and market officials. He has also called for an emergency meeting with the Marketers Association.

The Chairman assured the Gubio community of his commitment to rebuilding the market, emphasizing that the restructuring process will begin promptly. 

The chairman’s visit was accompanied by the LGAs Secretary, Babagana Modu, Vice Chairman Hon. Malum Gana Bukar, the Gubio Police DPO, SP Isa Audu and other local officials.