Housewife Escapes from Kidnappers’ Den in Taraba

Amina Adamu, one of three housewives abducted four weeks ago in Takum, Taraba state, has escaped from her captors. According to a relative, Mallam Maiwada, Amina fled while the kidnappers were asleep. Unfortunately, two other housewives and the daughter of General T.Y. Danjuma’s brother remain in captivity.

In a related development, two individuals who facilitated the ransom payment for the release of the three housewives were detained by the kidnappers.

The brother of General T.Y. Danjuma, Mr. Benjamin, was previously abducted alongside his wife and daughter but was released after a ransom was paid. However, the kidnappers refused to release his wife and daughter.

Residents of Takum are living in fear due to the constant threat of kidnappers operating along Takum-Katsina-Ala and Takum-Kashinbila roads. Several traders have been kidnapped, and many remain in captivity.

The Taraba police command has been contacted, but no response has been received yet.