By Alqasim Ahmad

Are you a student or a fresh graduate who is looking for a rewarding and fulfilling career? Do you want to know how to find and follow a career path that suits your interests, skills, and goals? If so, this post is for you. In this post, I will share some steps and tips on how to choose and pursue a good career path, including:

  • Assessing yourself and your career goals
  • Exploring different career options and industries
  • Learning and developing digital skills that are in demand
  • Gaining practical experience through internships and externships
  • Applying for jobs and building your professional network

Step 1: Assess Yourself and Your Career Goals

The first step to choosing a good career path is to know yourself and what you want from your career. You can do this by asking yourself some questions, such as:

  • What are your interests, passions, and hobbies?
  • What are your values, priorities, and motivations?
  • What are your strengths, weaknesses, and aptitudes?
  • What are your short-term and long-term career goals?

You can also use some online tools and assessments, such as My Next Move, CareerOneStop, or 16Personalities, to help you discover more about yourself and your career preferences.

Step 2: Explore Different Career Options and Industries

Once you have a better understanding of yourself and your career goals, you can start exploring different career options and industries that match your profile. You can do this by:

  • Researching online sources, such as O*NET OnLine, Bureau of Labor Statistics, or Glassdoor, to learn about the duties, requirements, outlook, and salary of various occupations and industries
  • Talking to people who work in the fields or roles that interest you, such as mentors, professors, alumni, or professionals, to get their insights, advice, and feedback
  • Attending career fairs, workshops, webinars, or events, such as CareerEco, Handshake, or Eventbrite, to network with employers, recruiters, and peers, and to learn about the latest trends and opportunities in different sectors

Step 3: Learn and Develop Digital Skills That Are in Demand

In today’s highly technological and competitive world, having digital skills is essential for any career path. Digital skills are the skills that enable you to use computers, digital devices, online applications, and other digital tools effectively and efficiently. Some of the digital skills that are in demand across various industries and occupations include:

  • Coding and programming
  • Data analysis and visualization
  • Web design and development
  • Digital marketing and social media
  • Cybersecurity and cloud computing

You can learn and develop these digital skills by taking online courses, such as Coursera, edX, or Udemy, or by enrolling in bootcamps, certifications, or degrees, such as General Assembly, [Google Career Certificates], or [Arizona State University Online].

Step 4: Gain Practical Experience Through Internships and Externships

Another important step to pursuing a good career path is to gain practical experience in your field of interest. This will help you to apply your skills and knowledge, to build your resume and portfolio, and to test your fit and compatibility with a certain role or industry. You can gain practical experience by participating in internships and externships.

Internships are short-term positions that provide you with the opportunity to work on tasks or projects in a real work environment. Internships can be paid or unpaid, remote or on-site, and full-time or part-time. Internships can also lead to job offers or referrals from your employer. You can find internships through your school’s career services, online platforms, such as [Indeed], [LinkedIn], or [], or by contacting employers directly.

Externships are job shadowing experiences that allow you to observe and learn from a professional in your field of interest. Externships are usually unpaid, short-term, and observational. Externships can help you to explore different careers, to network with professionals, and to gain insights and advice. One of the best Externship platform is Extern. 

Extern (previously known as Paragon One) is a platform that connects students and companies for externships, a new program that offers students the chance to work on projects with busy employees and companies. The externship is a turnkey experience that decreases the cost of engaging talent, attaining Gen-Z market insights, and delivering DEI impact.

Some of the benefits of Extern externships are:

  • They are real world projects that tackle problems different companies face in various industries.
  • They are education focused and curated with specific educational content and industry experts that show students how to approach problems.
  • They are flexible and can be done from anywhere, anytime.
  • They are fully managed by Paragon One, who takes care of all the logistics, mentorship, feedback, and evaluation.

Extern has partnered with leading global brands such as Facebook, HP, PwC, and more to offer externships in fields like content creation, digital marketing, market research, consulting, and more. Students can apply for externships on Paragon One’s website and gain valuable work experience and skills.

If you are interested in learning more about Extern, you can visit their website or check out their externship opportunities here.

You can also find externships through your school’s alumni network, professional associations, such as [American Medical Association], [American Bar Association], or [American Institute of CPAs], or by reaching out to professionals directly.

Step 5: Apply for Jobs and Build Your Professional Network

The final step to pursuing a good career path is to apply for jobs and build your professional network. You can do this by:

  • Creating a professional resume and cover letter that highlight your skills, achievements, and fit for the job
  • Preparing for job interviews by researching the company, the role, and the interviewer, and by practicing common interview questions and scenarios
  • Following up with the employer after the interview by sending a thank-you note, expressing your interest, and asking for feedback
  • Building and maintaining your professional network by connecting with people who can help you with your career goals, such as mentors, peers, recruiters, or industry experts
  • Using online platforms, such as [LinkedIn], [Twitter], or [Meetup], to showcase your work, to share your insights, and to join relevant groups and communities


Choosing and pursuing a good career path can be challenging, but also rewarding and fulfilling. By following these steps and tips, you can make informed and confident decisions about your career, and achieve your professional goals and aspirations. Remember, your career path is not fixed or final; you can always change, adjust, or improve it as you grow and learn. The most important thing is to enjoy the journey and to pursue your passion. Good luck!