HQ Theatre Command Hands Over 350 Rescued Persons To  Borno Government

In a significant milestone achieved by the Joint Task Force North East (NE) Operation HADIN KAI (OPHK), the Headquaryers Theatre Command has handed over 350 rescued civilians to the Borno State Government on May 20, 2024, at Maimalari Cantonment in Maiduguri. The civilians, comprising 6 adult males, 135 females, and 209 children, were rescued during a clearance and offensive operations by troops of OPHK in Sambisa forest.

In his remarks, the  Deputy Theatre Commander Major General Kenneth Chigbu, who represented the Theatre Commander, praised the troops for their professionalism and appreciated international and local partners, as well as the Borno State Government, for their support to military operations in the North East. He noted that the event marked another significant milestone recorded by the JTF NE OPHK under the leadership of the Theatre Commander, Major General Waidi Shaibu.

Receiving the rescued civilians, Hajjiya Y’arbauchi, Director of Social Welfare, Ministry of Women Affairs, Borno State, thanked the military for their coordinated efforts and announced that the rescued persons would be taken to Internally Displaced Persons Camp for profiling, medical checks, and skill acquisition training before reuniting with their families.

This rescue adds to the 44 persons recently handed over to the Borno State Government by OPHK, demonstrating the military’s commitment to protecting civilians and defeating terrorism in the region.

The event was attended by senior officers from Headquarters Theatre Command and 7 Division, as well as members of the Borno State Government.