Hunters Raise Alarm On Surging Criminal Activities In Taraba

The northeast commandant of the Hunters Association of Nigeria, Umar Umar, has expressed concern over the escalating wave of crimes in Taraba State.

He made the observation on Tuesday during a visit to Mathew Eluje, the State Chairman of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, at the Press Centre in Jalingo.

He emphasized the association’s deep worry about the rising crime rate and its readiness to collaborate with relevant authorities to combat the menace.

He highlighted recent successful joint operations with the Nigerian Army in several communities within the Yorro local government council, underscoring the association’s determination to eliminate bandits plaguing the State.

The commander urged the media to maintain vigilance in reporting societal developments and to shed light on the association’s efforts, enhancing public understanding of their role.

Umar acknowledged the state governor, Dr. Agbu Kefas’s dedication to ensuring peace throughout the state and appealed for government support in constructing office facilities for the association to bolster its operational capabilities.

In response, the NUJ chairman, pledged unwavering support from journalists in amplifying the Association’s activities.

He applauded the tireless efforts of the association and other security agencies in safeguarding the lives and property of citizens.

He urged the governor to provide backing to the association, enabling them to purge the state of criminal elements.

Taraba state Governor, Dr Agbu Kefas has approved the distribution of Ambulances to 168 wards across Taraba state in other to improve the standability of the health sector in the state.

This was contained and made known in a speech delivered by the Commissioner of Health Taraba state Dr Bordiya Burma during a ALGON meeting held in Jalingo the state Capital with all the 16 Local government Chairmen in Taraba state.