NEDC Closes 90% IDPs Camps In Borno

The North East Development Commission, NEDC, says it has closed 90 per cent of Internally Displaced, IDPs, Camps spread across Borno State.

Mohammed Alkali, the Managing Director of NEDC who disclosed this on Monday in Abuja added that the commission facilitated the successful return of over 90 per cent of  IDPs to their ancestral homes in the state

Fielding questions from newsmen, Mr Alkali said, the feat was made possible through collaboration with the state government as well as other critical stakeholders in the country.

”Two years ago, there were about 52 IDPs Camps in Maiduguri alone, but today we have officially reduced them to five because we have return most of the IDPs to their ancestral homes.

“With the efforts of Borno state government, we are providing the necessary support to encourage them to go back to their ancestral homes.

“We are building houses for the returnees across the North-East zone,” he said

Mr Alkali added: ” In Maiduguri, we built new 500 housing units, specifically in Maffa road, for the IDPs and we are replicating the same project in each State of the North-East.

“We are also embarking on empowerment programmes to encourage IDPs to go back to their ancestral homes.

“Most of them left their homes as farmers and fishermen, so we empowered them in that lines”.

Responding to a question on why most of the intervention programmes were located in Borno state, he said, it was because of the level of destruction by insurgents in the state.

He added that, the state had high concentration of victims of insurgency.

”There is what we call a law of proportion in mathematics.  60 per cent of the destructions and victims of insurgency are in Borno State.

”That is why you see that the intervention programme are more in Borno,” he said.