SSANU Threatens Varsity Shutdown Over Unpaid Salaries

The Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) is on the brink of taking drastic action as plans are underway to convene a National Executive Council meeting following the government’s failure to fulfill its commitment to release withheld salaries of union members.

In an interview with newsmen in Abuja on Friday, SSANU President Muhammed Ibrahim highlighted the union’s discontent, citing the government’s inability to disburse salaries that were withheld for four months in 2021.

This development comes in the wake of a recent seven-day warning strike embarked upon by university workers to protest the delayed salary payments.

Former president Muhammadu Buhari withheld the salaries, insisting on the principle of ‘No work, no pay.’

However, the current administration led by President Bola Tinubu has authorized the release of withheld salaries for members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities, who were similarly affected by the previous administration’s policy.

Despite assurances from the government, SSANU remains resolute in its demand for salary payments and is prepared to take further action if necessary.

President Ibrahim expressed the union’s frustration, stating, “The government hasn’t paid the money, and there’s no further information apart from the assurances earlier given. The leadership will soon meet and intimate you with our next line of action.”

When questioned about the meeting schedule, Ibrahim indicated that a date had not yet been finalized.