Taraba Residents Turn To Clay Pots Amid Power Outage Woes

In response to persistent power outages in Jalingo, the capital of Taraba State, and surrounding areas, residents have resorted to using clay pots as an alternative method to cool their beverages, as reported by Daily Trust on Sunday.

Investigations have shown that vendors of clay pots are experiencing a surge in demand, resulting in a notable increase in the prices of these traditional cooling vessels.

At the bustling Tashan Lau market in Jalingo, Jummai Adamu, a clay pot seller, highlighted that the scorching heat exacerbated by power failures has prompted locals to purchase clay pots for beverage cooling purposes.

She noted a significant rise in sales compared to previous months, attributing this uptick to the onset of the hot season.

Jummai shared that she now sells over 50 clay pots daily, emphasizing their utility in chilling water and soft drinks as an alternative to refrigeration.

Echoing Jummai’s observations, another pot vendor named Adama affirmed the escalating demand for clay pots due to the prevailing power challenges and intense heat.

Adama disclosed that large clay pots are now priced at N6,000, while medium-sized ones range between N1,400 and N3,500. Despite the price hike, more customers are flocking to purchase these traditional vessels.

Resident Abubakar Sani expressed his confidence in clay pots for their reliability in cooling beverages without the need for electricity, making them a dependable choice during power outages.

As power disruptions persist, Taraba residents are turning to age-old solutions like clay pots to beat the heat and keep their drinks cool.