UNICEF Collaborates With Gombe To Address Out-of-school Children Issue

The Gombe State Government has commended the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for its partnership in tackling the challenge of out-of-school children in the state.

Dr. Aishatu Maigari, the Commissioner for Education, praised UNICEF’s intervention during an interview with journalists at a two-day workshop organized by the State Universal Basic Education with support from UNICEF Bauchi Field Office.

The workshop focused on policy dialogue with key education stakeholders to address the out-of-school phenomenon and develop an action plan.

Maigari emphasized that addressing low enrolment rates requires a collective approach, highlighting the importance of collaboration among government and community stakeholders to bridge the gaps contributing to the issue of out-of-school children.

Expressing concern over the high number of out-of-school children in Gombe, Maigari attributed the situation partly to the influx of people seeking refuge in the state due to its relative peace. She highlighted the strain on educational facilities caused by the increased population.

Since assuming office in 2019, the Governor declared a state of emergency in the education sector, aiming to improve the educational landscape. Maigari noted a significant increase in the number of children enrolled in schools compared to previous years.

Abdulrahman Ibrahim, the UNICEF Education Specialist from the Bauchi Field Office, explained that the workshop aimed to localize the national education policy framework.

The focus was on developing an action plan at the state level to effectively reduce the rate of out-of-school children.