Water Price Increases As Power Outage Persists In Taraba

The ongoing power outage in Taraba State has led to a surge in the price of water, making it a lucrative business for water vendors and dealers of sachet water.

The state has been in darkness for ten days due to the alleged vandalization of the Yola Electricity Distribution Company (YEDC) electricity cables.

A sachet of water, which previously sold for N20.00, now costs N40.00, while a truckload of water containing ten gallons of twenty liters now sells for N750 and above.

The increase is attributed to the power outage, which has also affected the pump price of fuel, now selling at N820 per liter in filling stations and N1000 and above per liter in the black market.

Water vendors and manufacturers cite the power outage as the reason for the increase, as it has made piping water from the source cumbersome.

Factories are producing fewer sachets daily, and manufacturers may be forced to lay off workers if the situation persists. A pack of twenty sachets, previously sold for N270, now costs N300, with a possible further increase to N350 due to the fuel price hike.

Water vendors claim it is not their wish to increase prices, but the power outage has left them with no choice.