Yobe: Buni Calls For Harmonious Military/Civilian Relationship

The Yobe state Governor, Hon. Mai Mala Buni has called for a more harmonious military/civilian relationship in Gashua to promote peace in the area.

Governor Buni gave the directive on Sunday following the misunderstanding between the two parties.

In a statement Signed by Mamman Mohammed, DG, Press, and Media Affairs to the Governor, Buni described the situation as unfortunate that such incidence is happening at a time when the state is enjoying relative peace across the state.

“It is sad and regrettable that lives are lost in an avoidable circumstance.

Gov. Buni observed with dismay the reoccurring incidence in Gashua saying, the state government would meet with the Military authorities to bring a permanent solution to such threats to the relationship.

“We should always be united to fight our common enemy and not to be adversaries against ourselves,” the governor cautioned.

He noted that the military and the residents have responsibilities to one another to achieve collective success.

The governor prayed for the repose of the souls of the deceased persons and condoled with their families.

He directed free treatment to those who sustained injuries in the accident and admitted in the Specialist Hospital, Gashua.

It was reported that Residents of Gashu’a in Yobe State have taken to the streets to protest the alleged killing of a tricycle rider and two other civilians by soldiers.

The soldiers were deployed to the town to provide security to residents.

It was gathered that protesters who came out to express their anger over the reckless killing of a Keke Napep rider by soldiers were allegedly shot and killed by some men in military uniform.

Witnesses say soldiers fired indiscriminately into groups of protesters who were approaching their stop-and-search checkpoint near Gashua bridge.

It was reliably gathered that three civilians have been killed while 12 people were taken to Gashu’a Specialist Hospital for treatment.

Some residents of Gashu’a have accused soldiers of routinely assaulting civilians in the town and have called on Government to immediately intervene before the matter gets out of hand.

The killing is the latest case of violence in the town and the timely intervention of the Emir of Bade, Abubakar Umar Suleiman helped in dousing the tension.

Nigerian military is yet to speak on the incident