Yobe Declares Spiritual War On Electricity Tower Vandals

In a unique approach to tackling the recurring issue of electricity tower vandalism, the Yobe State government has launched a spiritual war against the perpetrators.

The move comes after the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) repaired the 330 KVA towers destroyed in February, only for the vandals to strike again, cutting off Borno and Yobe states from the national grid.

Led by the Special Advisor to the Governor on Religious Affairs, Ustaz Babagana Malam Kyari, a crowd of Muslim clerics and students of the Holy Quran gathered on Wednesday to recite prayers and slaughter a bull, seeking divine intervention to punish the insurgents responsible for the destruction.

The spiritual declaration of war follows a warning by Governor Mai Mala Buni that he would lead the recitation of the Holy Quran and prayers against the criminals if the towers were destroyed again after repairs.

The prayer session sought Allah’s intervention to expose and punish not only the vandals but also their sponsors, supporters, and anyone who aids or abets their criminal activities.

Kyari emphasized that “enough is enough” and called on the public to join hands in fighting the menace. The spiritual approach is seen as a complementary effort to the security measures already in place to tackle the issue.

The repeated destruction of electricity towers has left Borno and Yobe states in darkness, causing hardship for residents and disrupting economic activities.