Yobe Resolves Over 3,000 Disputes Between Farmers, Herders In 3 Years

The Yobe State Government has successfully resolved a total of 3,214 potential conflicts between farmers, herders, and various other community members over the span of three years.

Utilizing the State Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, known as Zauren Sulhu, the government has been proactive in addressing and mediating disputes to prevent escalation and foster understanding among conflicting parties.

Ustaz Babagana Malam Kyari, the Chairman of the Committee and Special Adviser to the Yobe State Governor on Religious Affairs, shared this significant milestone with journalists in Damaturu, the state capital.

Since its establishment in 2021, the committee has emerged as a pivotal player in mitigating crises, resolving clashes, and combating social issues such as drug abuse that pose threats to the well-being of the youth and children in the state.

Beyond addressing farmer-herder conflicts, the committee’s scope of work extends to mediating disputes within families, including conflicts between spouses, parents and children, and other discordant parties within communities.

Kyari emphasized that the committee actively engages in awareness campaigns and sensitization programs to educate the public on their civic duties, promote mutual respect, and cultivate a culture of peaceful coexistence among residents.